First Church in Sterling has stood proudly in the center of town for over 200 years. We utilize and enjoy our beloved church, but we didn’t have to build it ourselves. The original construction was a labor of love for many of our past First Church families, while others since then have improved it over time.
Each of us has been touched in so many ways, and our lives have been forever changed by the First Church in Sterling. Our Church makes a significant difference in our own lives, and its programs and outreach continue to make life altering differences in the world around us as we strive to Gather in the Spirit of Jesus and Create Heaven Here on Earth.
Now it’s OUR turn! We need to Pay it Forward like those long-ago church families did, leaving a legacy with our beloved church for future generations to enjoy. The best method for doing this is Planned Giving.
What is the Heaven on Earth Society?
The Heaven on Earth Society is a group of individuals and families who believe that it is their responsibility and an important part of their core faith to help preserve and ensure the good works of the First Church in Sterling – now and into the future.
Just like the building we worship in, the ministries and programs of First Church need a strong foundation to secure the future. Each member of the Heaven on Earth Society pledges their financial support to ensure that the powerful and vital message and the good works of First Church continue for generations to come.
How do I become a Member of the Heaven on Earth Society?
There are many ways that forward-thinking congregation members can become a member of the Heaven on Earth Society.
- Put the First Church in Sterling in your Will, designating a percentage or dollar amount of your estate as a charitable, tax-free donation to the First Church in Sterling.
- Make a Gift of securities or assets in the amount of $5,000 or more to the First Church Endowment Fund. The securities and assets can be cash, stocks, bonds, life insurance policies, retirement plans, etc. Remember First Church in the event of any taxable life event. Your financial planner can advise you how to best use this to your advantage. (A Gift with value of $100,000 or more will immortalize your name with a dedicated Endowment Fund)
- Sign Up for a Life Income Gift naming First Church as the beneficiary. Our Life Income Gifts include Gift Annuities or Charitable Remainder Trusts. Both are administered by the UUA with a guaranteed rate of return and payout to you during your lifetime while allowing you to gift the remainder to First Church in Sterling Endowment Fund.
The First Church in Sterling Endowment Fund is and has been the financial foundation for our faith community. Joining the Heaven on Earth Society pledges your financial support and your strong belief that the First Church in Sterling, and its future security and presence in our community and beyond, is in line with your core values. Please contact the Planned Giving team or the First Church office to inquire about becoming a member of this Exclusive, Essential and Eternal Society.